دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

The Cambridge handbook of dyslexia and dyscalculia / Skeide ، Michael A بازکردن سند537.pdf
نوع مدرک:متون چاپی
سرشناسهSkeide ، Michael A
رده‌بندی کنگره :RC394.W6 .
عنوان :The Cambridge handbook of dyslexia and dyscalculia
تکرار نام مولف :edited by Michael A. Skeide
صفحه شمار:pages cm
یادداشتIncludes bibliographical references and index
شناسه افزوده :Skeide ، Michael A (1984-)
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
Dyslexia ؛ Dyscalculia ؛ PSYCHOLOGY / General
چکیده :"In this handbook, the world's leading researchers answer fundamental questions about dyslexia and dyscalculia based on authoritative reviews of the scientific literature. It provides an overview from the basic science foundations to best practice in schooling and educational policy, covering research topics ranging from genes, environments, and cognition to prevention, intervention, and educational practice. With clear explanations of scientific concepts, research methods, statistical models, and technical terms within a cross-cultural perspective, this book will be a go-to reference for researchers, instructors, students, policymakers, educators, teachers, therapists, psychologists, physicians, and those affected by learning difficulties"--
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زبان مدرک :English

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0118000924RC394.W6 . منابع الکترونیکی:کتابکتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگاناسناد معمولیموجود  

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