دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

Equivalent-Small-Parameter Analysis of DC/DC Switched-Mode Converter / Chen ، Yanfeng، نویسنده بازکردن سند(CPSS_Power_Electronics_Series)_Yanfeng_Chen,_Bo_Zhang_-_Equivalent-Small-Parameter_Analysis_of_DC_DC_Switched-Mode_Converter-Springer_Singapore_(2019).pdf
نوع مدرک:متون چاپی
سرشناسهChen ، Yanfeng، نویسنده
عنوان :Equivalent-Small-Parameter Analysis of DC/DC Switched-Mode Converter
تکرار نام مولف :by Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang
ویرایش :1st ed. 2019
صفحه شمار:1 online resource (XVII, 236 pages 85 illustrations, 23 illustrations in color.)
شناسه افزوده :Zhang ، Bo
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
Electronic circuits ؛ Power electronics ؛ System theory ؛ Circuits and Systems ؛ Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Networks ؛ Systems Theory, Control
چکیده :This book focuses on the applications of Equivalent-Small-Parameter Method (ESPM) in solving the steady-state periodic solutions, as well as stability analysis, of kinds of open-loop or closed-loop operated DC/DC converters, such as PWM, quasi-resonant and resonant ones. The analytical expressions of DC components and harmonics of state variables (inductor current and capacitor voltage) with DC/DC converters can be obtained by ESPM, which can be helpful to understand the nonlinear operating mechanism of switched-mode converters. It can also be useful for stability analysis and design for practical converters. Modeling and analysis on all kinds of DC/DC converters are introduced in detail in this book, along with a large amount of simulation or experimental waveforms to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis based on ESPM
مندرجاتIntroduction -- Review on Modeling and Analysis Methods of Switched-mode Converter -- A General Nonlinear Mathematical Model of DC/DC Converters -- Equivalent-Small-Parameters Method (ESPM) -- Modeling and Analysis of Open-loop PWM DC/DC Converters Based on ESPM -- Modeling and Analysis of Voltage-mode Controlled PWM DC/DC Converters Based on ESPM -- Modeling and Analysis of Current-mode Controlled PWM DC/DC Converters Based on ESPM -- Modeling and Analysis of PFM Quasi-Resonant DC/DC Converters Based on ESPM -- Stability Analysis of DC/DC Converters Based on ESPM -- Summary
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زبان مدرک :English

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(CPSS_Power_Electronics_Series)_Yanfeng_Chen,_Bo_Zhang_-_Equivalent-Small-Parameter_Analysis_of_DC_DC_Switched-Mode_Converter-Springer_Singapore_(2019).pdf - application/pdf
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