نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه درشر ، دانیلا (1966- م)، نویسنده ردهبندی کنگره : HG1710 /د4م2 1397 عنوان : مبانی بلاک چینی تکرار نام مولف : [دانیل درسچر][مترجمین بهرام پاشایی، محمدرضا صمدزاده] ناشر: تهران : آیلار سال نشر : 1397 صفحه شمار: 232 ص ویژگی : مصور،جدول، نمودار شابک/شاپا 978-6-00-198120-3 یادداشت عنوان اصلی: Blockchain basics : a non-technical introduction in 25 steps شناسه افزوده : پاشایی ، بهرام (1353 -)، مترجم صمدزاده ، محمدرضا (1360 -)، مترجم موضوعها : اصفا
بلاکچین (پایگاههای اطلاعاتی) ؛ Blockchains (Databases) ؛ انتقال الکترونیکی وجوه ؛ Electronic funds transfers ؛ پایگاههای اطلاعاتی-- مدیریت ؛ Database management ؛ رمزگذاری دادهها ؛ Data encryption (Computer science) ؛ بازرگانی الکترونیکی ؛ Electronic commerceلینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=5052 زبان مدرک : فارسی زبان اصلی : English
درخواست رزرو
شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0101007882 HG1710 /د4م2 1397 کتاب فارسی کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان سایر اسناد معمولی موجود 0101007883 HG1710 /د4م2 1397 ن.2 کتاب فارسی کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان سایر اسناد معمولی موجود
نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه Garg ، Rishabh، نویسنده ردهبندی کنگره : QA76.9.B56 . عنوان : Blockchain for real world applications تکرار نام مولف : Rishabh Garg صفحه شمار: 1 online resource شابک/شاپا 978-1-11-990376-5 یادداشت Includes index موضوعها : اصفا
Blockchains (Databases) ؛ Electronic funds transfersچکیده : "Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a technical infrastructure and protocol that allows simultaneous access, verification and updating of records in an irreversible manner over a network spanning multiple entities or locations. It can be a Blockchain, Directed Acylic Graph, Hashgraph, Holochain or Tempo (radix). The blockchain ecosystem includes blocks - the data structure used to keep records of transactions, which are distributed among all nodes in the network, and nodes - users or computers that hold a complete copy of the record or ledger. Blockchain uses an asymmetric cryptography mechanism to validate the authenticity of transactions. The hash function used here is a mathematical algorithm that converts any information into a string of alphanumeric values by a process called encryption. There are mainly two types of encryption - asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption depending on whether same or different keys are used for encryption and decryption. Decentralized identifiers (DID) allow unique, private and secure peer-to-peer connections between two parties on a blockchain. DIDs are independent of centralized registries, authorities or identity providers, which enable identity-owner control and sovereignty over identities. There have been several innovations around blockchain consensus mechanisms, constitutional design, development of smart contracts, and tokens. Earlier, applications were mainly restricted to digital currencies, which were used in commercial transactions. The extension of Blockchain 2.0 applications enabled smart-contracts, Decentralized Applications (dApps), and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Blockchain 3.0 was able to register its presence in areas such as education, health, science, transportation and logistics, and now Blockchain 4.0 is evolving as a business-friendly ecosystem for the world of commons."-- لینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=7587 زبان مدرک : English
درخواست رزرو
شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0118000337 QA76.9.B56 . منابع الکترونیکی:کتاب کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان کامپیوتر اسناد معمولی موجود Blockchain, IoT and AI technologies for supply chain management / Chawla ، Priyanka ; Kumar, Adarsh ; Nayyar, Anand
نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه Chawla ، Priyanka ; Kumar, Adarsh ; Nayyar, Anand ردهبندی کنگره : HD38.5 .B5356 2023 عنوان : Blockchain, IoT and AI technologies for supply chain management تکرار نام مولف : edited by Priyanka Chawla, Adarsh Kumar, Anand Nayyar and Mohd Naved ویرایش : 1 Edition صفحه شمار: pages cm شابک/شاپا 978-1-03-220640-0 یادداشت Includes bibliographical references and index شناسه افزوده : Chawla ، Priyanka Kumar, Adarsh Nayyar, Anand موضوعها : اصفا
Business logistics ؛ Blockchains (Databases) ؛ Internet of things ؛ Artificial intelligenceچکیده : "Supply chain management, often known as SCM, refers to the extensive variety of operations that are required to plan, monitor, and coordinate the movement of a product from its raw materials to its finished state in the most time- and money efficient manner possible. How the supply chain is managed has an impact not only on the quality of the product and the service but also on distribution, costs, and the overall customer experience. Supply chain management is a massive undertaking that needs firms to reevaluate the method in which they operate their supply chains. This book discusses the problems and difficulties that the facilitators of the supply chain confront, in addition to the possible solutions to such problems and difficulties. This book will be the only one of its kind to address the impact of COVID-19 on supply chain systems involving different stakeholders such as producers, dealers, and manufacturers, will provide a foundation for future research opportunities that will allow for the unrestricted expansion and prosperity of business. This book will serve as a foundation for academics, scientists, and educationists interested in the use of modern technologies in the field of supply chain management, such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain. In addition to those engaged in research, undergraduate and postgraduate students in higher education are also able to use this publication as a reference book. This book would present a multifaceted perspective for the general public, including topics such as computer science, the food business, hotel management, fashion, medical, inventory management, and agricultural spheres"-- لینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=7675 زبان مدرک : English
درخواست رزرو
شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0118000423 HD38.5 .B5356 2023 منابع الکترونیکی:کتاب کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان کامپیوتر اسناد معمولی موجود Role of 6G wireless networks in AI and blockchain-based applications / Dutta Borah ، Malaya ; Wright, Steven ; Singh, Pushpa ; Deka, Ganesh Chandra
نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه Dutta Borah ، Malaya ; Wright, Steven ; Singh, Pushpa ; Deka, Ganesh Chandra ردهبندی کنگره : QA76.9.B56 .R65 2023 عنوان : Role of 6G wireless networks in AI and blockchain-based applications تکرار نام مولف : Malaya Dutta Borah, Steven Wright, Pushpa Singh, and Ganesh Deka, editors صفحه شمار: pages cm شابک/شاپا 978-1-668-45376-6 یادداشت Includes bibliographical references and index شناسه افزوده : Dutta Borah ، Malaya (1976-) Wright, Steven Singh, Pushpa Deka, Ganesh Chandra موضوعها : اصفا
Blockchains (Databases) ؛ Artificial intelligence ؛ Wireless comunicationsForecastingچکیده : "This book deliberates upon the role of the 6G wireless network deployed on AI and Blockchain Technology-based applications in healthcare, agriculture and e-business, outlining the emerging technologies, advanced architectures, challenges, open issues and future directions of 6G networks in AI and Blockchain-based applications"-- مندرجات Role of 6G wireless networks in AI and Blockchain-Based Applications / Malaya Dutta Borah, NIT Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India, Steven Wright, Georgia State University, United States, Pushpa Singh, Delhi Technical Campus, India, Ganesh Deka, RDSDE,DGT, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt of India, India -- Lightweight cryptography and Blockchain solutions for security protection of IoT applications / Kamalendu Pal, University of London, United Kingdom لینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=7479 زبان مدرک : English
درخواست رزرو
شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0118000252 QA76.9.B56 .R65 2023 منابع الکترونیکی:کتاب کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان کامپیوتر اسناد معمولی موجود