نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه Ekman ، Peter (1969-)، نویسنده ردهبندی کنگره : HD30.213 . عنوان : Management and information technology after digital transformation تکرار نام مولف : Peter Ekman, Peter Dahlin and Christina Keller صفحه شمار: 1 online resource شابک/شاپا 978-1-00-311124-5 یادداشت Includes bibliographical references and index شناسه افزوده : Dahlin ، Peter Keller, Christina موضوعها : اصفا
Management information systems ؛ Information technologyManagement ؛ Technological innovations ؛ Electronic information resourcesچکیده : "With the widespread transformation of information into digital form throughout society - firms and organizations are embracing this development to adopt multiple types of IT to increase internal efficiency and to achieve external visibility and effectiveness - we have now reached a position where there is data in abundance and the challenge is to manage and make use of it fully. This book addresses this new managerial situation, the post-digitalization era, and offers novel perspectives on managing the digital landscape. The topics span how the post-digitalization era has the potential to renew organizations, markets, and society. The chapters of the book are structured in three topical sections but can also be read individually. The chapters are structured to offer insights into the developments that take place at the intersection of the management, information systems and computer science disciplines. It features more than 70 researchers and managers as collaborating authors in 23 thought-provoking chapters. Written for scholars, researchers, students and managers from the management, information systems and computer science disciplines, the book presents a comprehensive and thought-provoking contribution on the challenges of managing organizations and engaging in global markets when tools, systems and data are abundant"-- لینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=8664 زبان مدرک : English
درخواست رزرو
شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0118000611 HD30.213 . منابع الکترونیکی:کتاب کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان مدیریت اسناد معمولی موجود