دسترسی همگانی(OPAC) نام کتابخانه در اوپک

English grammar in use (2004) / Murphy ، Raymond
نوع مدرک:متون چاپی
سرشناسهMurphy ، Raymond
رده‌بندی کنگره :PE1128 .M777 2004
عنوان :English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers
ویرایش :3rd ed
ناشر:Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
سال نشر :2004
صفحه شمار:x, 379 p
ویژگی :ill
ابعاد :27 cm
مواد همراه :1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.) + 1 user's guide (17 p. : ill. ; 12 x 12 cm
یادداشتBook accompanied by CD-ROM: English grammar in use CD-ROM. Version 1.0 : hundreds of additional exercises to accompany the third edition of the book ; and booklet: English grammar in use CD-ROM user's guide / Miles Craven and Brigit Viney Includes index
شناسه افزوده :Craven ، Miles
Viney ، Brigit
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
English language ؛ English language -- Grammar ؛ English language -- Computer-assisted instruction for foreign speakers
چکیده :Book accompanied by CD-ROM: English grammar in use CD-ROM. Version 1.0 : hundreds of additional exercises to accompany the third edition of the book ; and booklet: English grammar in use CD-ROM user's guide / Miles Craven and Brigit Viney Includes index
لینک ثابت رکورد:../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=10435
زبان مدرک :English

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