نوع مدرک: متون چاپی سرشناسه Mueller ، John (1958-)، نویسنده ردهبندی کنگره : Q334 .M84 2018 عنوان : Artificial intelligence for dummies تکرار نام مولف : by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron صفحه شمار: xiv, 311 pages ویژگی : illustrations ابعاد : 24 cm شابک/شاپا 978-1-11-946765-6 یادداشت Includes index شناسه افزوده : Massaron ، Luca موضوعها : اصفا
Artificial intelligence ؛ COMPUTERS / Intelligence (AI) & Semanticsچکیده : "The term 'Artificial Intelligence' has been around since the 1950s, but a lot has changed since then. Today, AI is referenced in the news, books, movies, and TV shows, and the exact definition is often misinterpreted. Artificial Intelligence For Dummies provides a clear introduction to AI and how it's being used today. Inside, you'll get a clear overview of the technology, the common misconceptions surrounding it, and a fascinating look at its applications in everything from self-driving cars and drones to its contributions in the medical field"-- مندرجات Part 1: Introducing AI. Introducing AI ; Defining the role of data ; Considering the use of algorithms ; Pioneering specialized hardware -- Part 2: Considering the uses of AI in society. Seeing AI uses in computer applications ; Automating common processes ; Using AI to address medical needs ; Relying on AI to improve human interaction -- Part 3: Working with software-based AI applications. Performing data analysis for AI ; Employing machine learning in AI ; Improving AI with deep learning -- Part 4: Working with AI in hardware applications. Developing robots ; Flying with drones ; Utilizing the AI-driven car -- Part 5: Considering the future of AI. Understanding the nonstarter application. Seeing AI in space ; Adding new human occupations -- Part 6: The part of tens. Ten AI-safe occupations ; Ten substantial contributions of AI to society ; Ten ways in which AI has failed لینک ثابت رکورد: ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=7630 زبان مدرک : English
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شماره ثبت شماره بازیابی نام عام مواد محل نگهداری بخش وضعیت ثبت وضعیت امانت گرایش 0118000379 Q334 .M84 2018 منابع الکترونیکی:کتاب کتابخانه موسسه آموزش عالی آیندگان کامپیوتر اسناد معمولی موجود